martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

Sweet Idioms

A piece of cake- very easy. It's a piece of cake.

As easy as pie- very easy. It was as easy as pie.

Like giving candy to a baby- very easy, especially when you do something wrong.

A fruitcake- really strange crazy, a kind of serious word. She's a fruitcake. 

Going bananas- becoming crazy, especially with too much to do. I'm going bananas.

 Nut/ nutty- funny kind of crazy, usually makes you laugh. He's a nut. or He's nutty.

 A tough cookie- a tough or strong person, or doesn't show his emotions easily. That man is a tough cookie. 

Sugar and spice- very sweet, nice, or kind, feminine, (used for girls.) Her daughter is sugar and spice. 

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